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Work With Me


Spiritual Mentorship invites you to start looking inward and exploring entirely new ways of being in the world. Not doing, being.

Your spiritual adventure is uniquely yours, and you need support. I offer a confidential, safe, loving place for you share your triumphs and challenges and to point you in the direction of growth.

What is required from you is a willingness to change and a commitment to practice. Spiritual growth doesn’t happen by itself. Your on- and off-the-mat practices are what strengthen your aspiration to break out of the box. All the boxes.

Sometimes we need a kickstart on our healing journey. Someone able to see you in your whole, healed form and offer steps to move in that direction. Healing sessions hold this multifaceted intention. Grace draws inspiration from Ayurveda, Yoga + Tantra, Buddhism, Taoism, Mindfulness, the natural world and our seasonal rhythms, a decade of coaching and healing, and their own healing journey.

Life Coaching

So you’re considering some life coaching. Perhaps that’s because you feel unfulfilled, frustrated, stuck, tired or not moving in the direction you want your life to go. Or maybe it’s because you’re ready to transition your life, your work, your relationship. Or you want to start being more honest with yourself and creating exactly the life you want.

I understand that you’re craving a shift. And I want you to find the practices that will meet you where you are right now. Whether the work begins with your body, your heart and mind, or your relationships, we can work together to become more whole and happy – to become more of yourSELF and be happy in the life you create.

Are you ready to live in your empowered sexuality?

As human beings, we share a deep need to be loved in an intimate way. The specific expressions of that craving are unique to each individual, and I love helping people uncover those desires and figure out how to manifest them in your life.

Whole and Happy Intimacy Sessions give you access to tools to look your sexuality in the eye and start being honest about what you really want.

woman's torso in Namaste pose
woman sitting in tall grass looking up with arms up smiling

Becoming conscious in relationships is a path that asks us to get real with ourselves and how we live in the world every moment. When we sign up for Whole and Happy Relationships, we learn to explore unconscious aspects of ourselves, which invites an increased awareness of ourselves, how we connect with those around us, and how to cultivate loving, supportive, and passionate relationships. Juicy side effects may include empowering your sexuality, preparing yourself to find your perfect partner, and/or deepening the intimacy and spark with your present partner(s).

Deconditioning Whiteness Coaching begins by orienting us towards our bodies and how we relate with these bodies we are in. It’s a process of slowly and mindfully learning to take up space in our bodies, and then relating with the real-life impacts being in those bodies has on the world around us.

deconditioning whiteness coaching
asian family laying in the grass making funny faces

Whole & Happy Youth & Families

Youth growing up in the 21st century have a whole new set of challenges that previous generations didn’t face. This has resulted in increased depression, anxiety, bullying, addictions, fears and other challenges. While every parent does their best, most are not equipped with the skills to support the individual needs of every child while they are also working and dealing with whatever life throws at them every day.

The tools of working with youth and families are the very similar to the tools of Whole and Happy Relationships, but cater to serving the needs of youth and family dynamics. When we bring our whole selves into our families, we allow the natural state of happiness to be the background of life. That doesn’t mean there won’t be difficult times or that we’ll always “feel happy.” It means that in the midst of the conflicts and challenges that every family faces, we’ll be able to continue showing up authentically and let go of stories around being unhappy because of other people.

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